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Here's how to install sociana ⬇️

🚨Main information.

Please read all this information carefully. ✋ Don't scroll without reading!


You need to set up a source from sociana to be able to publish to your social networks from Asana.

A source defines the Asana project from which you want to publish, the “to post” and “published” sections and the social networks available from your Asana project.


By clicking on submit, your post will be taken into account by our script.
Our script runs every 15 minutes (more details here).


The task to be published must be in the column marked “To Post” in your sociana source. Otherwise it will not be published.Indicate a date and time for publication. Don't forget to configure the sociana form (on which page you wish to publish).

Auto completed

A task published with sociana is automatically completed and moved to the section defined for your source in sociana.


Attach the media to your task:
❌ Don't put it in the body of the description
❌ Don't add them via a cloud solution such as GDrive, Box,..

Put only one type of media in your Asana, otherwise it will not be published (png, pdf, jpg for example).

Examples: If you put an image and a pdf in your task, sociana will only send the image to the social network.

Here are the limits imposed by LinkedIn regarding media:
- Text: 3,000 (max characters)
- Images (format/size): JPEG, PNG, GIF / 5 MB
- Videos (format/length): .mp4 / Max 5 GB Asana limits you to 100MB per file
- Documents: .pdf / Max 100 MB

🪄 Here are some tips

Which media are taken into account, and what are the limits imposed by LinkedIn?

- Text: 3,000 (max characters)
- Images (format/size): JPEG, PNG, GIF / 5 MB (up to 20 images per post)
- Videos (format/length): .mp4 / Max 5 GB Asana limits you to 100MB per file
- Documents: .pdf / Max 100 MB

What types of text formats does LinkedIn accept?

- Normal
Hi sociana ✅

- Bold
Hi sociana

- Underlined
Hi sociana

- Italic
Hi sociana

- Hashtags (#) ✅

- Strikethrough
Hi sociana ❌

- Bullets
● Hi sociana ❌

How to use mention (@) ?

Tag a company pageFrom your content in the Asana task, write the company name as on Linkedin , highlight the text and insert the link retrieved from LinkedIn.

🚨 Tag a profile: The LinkedIn API does not allow us to ensure that the right person will be mentioned. We invite you to add mentions directly on LinkedIn after publication of your post.

Here's an example of how to tag sociana:

publish on LinkedIn from Asana and mention company pages

Tip: Add mentions that you often use in a task.

How to set a publication time?

🚨Reminder: Make sure you set your task on the networks on which you wish to publish it, and also move it to the section you've set “Your posts are published when their section is”.

There are two ways to set a publication time:

#1- Set a default time in your source on sociana

This default time will be used if no time has been set on the task.

publish on LinkedIn from Asana and set publishing time

#2 - Set a publishing time from your Asana task

Specify specific times to publish according to your preferences. As a reminder, sociana will publish your tasks as quickly as possible every 15 minutes.

publish on LinkedIn from Asana and set publishing time
How do I manage connections?

sociana lets you connect to your Asana account and your social networks.

You can manage your connections to Asana and all your networks from this page: https://app.sociana.io/en/settings/connections

Book a personalized demo and ask us all your questions!

Some questions, some answers.

What's the difference between sociana and Zapier

Here are the main differences between Sociana and Zapier:

- Zapier requires the use of a third-party tool such as Buffer, Hubspot, Agorapulse, etc., which increases costs considerably.

- Zapier requires you to exit Asana to manage your posts in the third-party tool

- Zapier doesn't allow you to centralize post management in Asana, which lowers security and makes it more complex to publish on different social networks

sociana lets you stay completely in Asana to manage your social networks. No need to automate tasks or know the no-code. It's all made easy!

Which networks are available?

sociana allows you to connect the following networks to your Asana projects:

- LinkedIn (available)
- Facebook (soon)
- Instagram (soon)
- X (Twitter) (soon)
- Threads (soon)

What's the difference between sociana and Buffer?

You can't use Buffer without leaving Asana.

This forces you either to go through an automation tool like Zapier, or to manage everything in Buffer.
This means you have to pay for another tool and set up a tool from scratch.

Whereas with sociana, you keep control of Asana and your rules and user rights are preserved.

Do I need technical skills to configure sociana?

No skills are required to install sociana in Asana.
Just add the Sociana application to your project, and you're on your way.

All you have to do is connect your Asana account and then your social accounts, and then each task is transformed into a potential post.

⚡Magic, isn't it?